Training Camp QB competition thread [MERGED]

Right ?? Only thing really missing is pom poms, from what I've seen.

Same guy who not that long ago said:

I can certainly understand why he's now a bit embarrassed and doing some backpedaling with that unconvincing "I just wanted the better QB to win the competition" shtick.

So he had a favorite. He had a strong opinion on who should be the QB. Okay. I was the first one to poke fun at him at times because he was so adamant. The fact that he's back and throwing his support behind Winston is what Who Dat Saints fandom should be about. I have strong opinions about Taysom's fumbling record, but when he's in the game I'm 100% behind him hoping he succeeds.

I'm glad he's big enough to come back and say, "I was wrong, Jameis grabbed the starting job, I didn't see that happening but he's the QB and I'm behind him" versus "this was a terrible decision and I can't wait for him to mess up".

As Saints fans, we're all entitled to have an opinion on the direction of the team. But when games start counting, I'd hope that everyone remembers that we had a fair QB competition and to cheer as loud as they can for the team New Orleans puts on the field.

Who Dat!!!