Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

So my youngest is 27 and I was 21 when my eldest was born. And it is only now that I think I could do a really, really good job raising them — and then only if it was a pre-internet, pre-phone world.

But it’s pretty basic stuff to know that your teenage kids look more to their friends for affirmation and if you don’t show their friends basic human respect, you’re gonna drop even further down the list with them.

A parent bullying their kids’ friends? Really bad form to say the least.
You express concern with being thought to be victim bullying. I don't think you are. I understand EVERYTHING you said including your remarks about Dr. Phil. I was a little surprised to see him talking to Dr. Phil but, okay, he just wanted to get maximum exposure since he had a missing daughter. I'm not sure how discerning he was being considering his panicked mindset. And he even said that his daughter wouldn't come to him because he'd only want to be a fixer. I'm not sure why he didn't consider THAT something he needed to fix.