Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

I had this surfing friend from many years back in California, and his wife told me that she, and my friend sometimes got into fist fights. As far as I know, they are still together. Love?!?! Maybe it's cheaper than counseling. Who is to judge them? Certainly not me.

I didn't even second guess it, relationships are just so confusing. My strategy is stay single, and learn from people's mistakes. My life has never been more peaceful!

It's why I never aspired to marry earlier than 30. Now, somehow that became, I want to be marred [left in the typo] AT 30 (and I made it with 1 month to spare. I basically had an early 31st birthday trip on my honeymoon). But by that time, I had a career, had lived alone completely self sufficient, and -- though I didn't really WANT to -- knew that I could continue living alone versus feeling that I needed to live with an abuser.