Music That Touches You

I had a cousin who overdosed and died at the start of 2020 (we should have taken that as a sign of things to come for 2020). One day shortly after his funeral I was out for a morning run and “Would” by AIC came up on Spotify, and I had to stop and cry. It hit too close to home for me, from Layne’s voice, and his untimely fate, to the message of the song. Into the flood again indeed.

Earlier this month I lost my grandmother due to old age (she was 89). Amazing woman. Cuban and Catholic (is there any other kind?). As we drove home (after the funeral) from New Orleans to Houston my kids were watching Coco, and I ugly cried when “Remember Me” came on. I knew some day that song would be too real for me, but yeah, I never wanted it to be.