Bill Vinovich

The Bill Vinovich crew screwed up royally and every Saints fan has a right to be thoroughly disgusted with how a group of highly graded officials could fail so miserably. Confusing league rules have made it nearly impossible to be a competent referee these days. In many cases you can actually see officials make stupid calls because they are afraid of making the 'wrong' call on the field; preferring to let instant replay settle the matter.

You can watch any NFL game on any given Sunday and see poor officiating throughout the game. And what I mentioned above is just one of the reasons for it. However, for anyone to infer that a game is 'fixed' by the league prior to the game because 'all the calls went against my team' is simply whining by all those who fall for all these conspiracy theories.

This is not a good look for adult sports fans. And this kind of stuff can't be enhancing the enjoyment of the game for those who persist in this paranoia. Mistakes by human officials is part of the game. Try to learn to live with the flaws that are a part of all competitive sports. You'll be happier in the end.

[P.S.- Save yourself some time typing about how naïve I am for my conclusion. I have just as much of a right to believe that this league is legit as any of you have that this sport is a biased hoax. This is an opinion board. So once again, I am simply expressing mine.]