Bill Vinovich

Any post-game review by the league with the officials would likely have been geared toward having the proper degree of officiating in order to avoid the same type of criticism among all of the fan bases that this one still has to this day. Every NFL fan around the country knows the Saints got hosed with those 'no-calls'. But this is the only fan base that still can't understand why the officials were trying not to be 'flag-happy' for an NFC Championship game. It's a whole lot easier just to vilify the captain of that crew then to realize that those officials screwed up in not seeing/calling some very critical fouls when it affected the Saints the most.

I've been watching football for 50 years. I can't remember a more obvious purposely missed call with the stakes as high as they were. Those officials were either paid or threatened, you can't tell me what I didn't see with my own eyes....and the no-calls after that play very much confirm that line of thinking....