It was the most blatant PI in the history of the NFL. Regardless of what YOU say or THINK cannot justify that screw job. TLL went into a helicopter spin. Save the “officials were trying to stay out of it” madness. Sure, refs tend to call playoff games a bit looser than the regular season, but that call NEEDS and SHOULD be called 100% of the time regardless of what game it is. You say it’s nothing, I say screw job. Officials can sway or influence outcomes. That is 100% fact. It happens in all sports. That Hockey official just last year was caught saying how he was calling against a certain team, while on a hot mic😆.
NSWF in that link. He instantly went for a screw job in the beginning portion of the match to set the tone. Now, tell me that the NFL officials are squeaky clean? Are they more righteous than Hockey refs? And don’t even get me started on NBA refs.