Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

Scared of heights isn't something you need to over come, it's common sense, that should be acknowledged. I seen mountain bikers ride on edge of a cliff at high speeds, with very little room for error. That is just asking for trouble.

The two ladies and Gabby are ruled as a homicide, so if Lowery's death is an accident, then you made a very good call. We shall see in a week or two how things play out.

People need to start slow and do their homework, before venturing out solo on a massive hike. My 6th grade teacher almost died from going on hike during 6th grade camp, he got lost, and was severely dehydrated, but made it back.

I'm sure others weren't as fortunate, what was that movie called, where that rock climber cut his arm off? Don't go on hikes solo, if you are not familiar with the area, seems like solid advice. Going solo on long hikes or mountain bike trips with very little traffic, also seems incredibly careless.

Yep, I've got some experience hiking and backpacking in both Yellowstone, and Shenandoah parks and the Rangeley Lakes area in Maine and Mount Washington in NH....conditions can change on a dime, if you don't have the right gear it can be a matter of severe injury or death. Mother nature doesn't mess around.....nice post....