Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

Watching that video, she mentions how she quit her job and put everything into this cross-country trip. She later goes on to mention that "he doesn't think I can do it" or something along that effect. I almost wonder if a part of the ramp up in toxicity which eventually culminates in her death was due to the fact they probably weren't getting the traffic on social media/her blog that they or she was hoping for. It looks like she wanted to be this travel/camping influencer, she or they spent lots of money to make this cross-country thing happen. They converted this van into some what of a camping vehicle and spent an inordinate amount of time and energy planning this trip.

There might be something to this. I read an article a week or so ago that was talking about other couples that had done the same thing (van living) and had it all fall apart, ruin their relationships, etc. and a recurring theme is that in many cases this is all less "hippy free spirit" stuff and more "monetize for social media" and when the money doesn't happen, the stress shoots through the roof.