Mail about to get a lot slower.

multilevel problems in the post office. It’s a government service and is meant to be. However, they want it to run for a profit, which is a stupid model as the entire way it’s set up will never make it money. It serves everyone, everywhere. The two just won’t work well together. So instead of investing in real tracking and modern equipment, you get a note saying it’s in the system and maybe it will get there.

FedEx, UPS, Amazon all serve only profitable areas. Small rural communities are not always served. The big guys will take packages through their services then use the post office to deliver. And things like UPS SmartPost is an epic mess. But for some it’s the only way.

Unfortunately for the post office it’s being run by a person who doesn’t believe in government. Reagan popularized the saying about we are the government here to help you. Since that time it’s almost seemed like instead of putting people in place to make the system work, it’s almost like
Putting fools in to tear it down
The USPS was never designed to run on profit, or even break even. They are a Gov't service, just like the DMV, Poilice Dept, Fire Dept, etc. We don't expect the PD and FD to turn profits.