Texas, the new Florida

In all seriousness, though i did find a lot of Texans to have a very ‘Texas-centric’ attitude when i lived there, relative to other places ive lived- i think honestly what it comes down to is that people are ****ing crazy, and wherever you find more people, you’ll find more crazy…. Hence why we hear so many weird stories from FL and TX.. this just in: There are also lots of crazy stories out of highly populous states like CA & NY (no link.)
In one outing just walking around my neighborhood in San Diego, I could have 10 Texas/Florida stories with the homeless/junkie population here. Now imagine how bad the homeless population is in SD, LA & SF areas and just think about how many stories these cities could tell.

I just think that TX & FL have an additional layer of crazy because of their public policies that can be a motivating factor to already loose cannons radical behavior (open carry, anti-abortion, what teachers are not allowed to teach in school, etc) that other states don't have so it makes their whole vibe even crazier.