Texas, the new Florida

In terms of redeeming qualities about Texas, again having spent a decade of my life there, mostly in Houston- I’d say far and away the best thing is the overall economy and landscape for jobs…. the Dallas metroplex might be the most prosperous economy in the entire U.S... I was able to start my current career in TX, and advance fairly rapidly.. Some will tell you that that’s ALL that matters.. I disagree, I think quality of life also matters, which is why i ‘paid my dues’ as it were, then got the hell out and hope to never set foot there again.. unfortunately I probably will have to , for business meetings and stuff, but im fairly ecstatic i dont live there anymore.
that was the issue i saw in a nutshell
i'd heard the avg stay in dallas was under 5 years (this was late 90s so it's probably even shorter now)
and considering that there are long time denizens, the 'transient' workforce is probably around 3 years in and out
you just can't build culture with that kind of turnover
i saw it mostly in the Arts (obviously bc that's what i paid most attention to), but the museums and the performing arts seemed entirely geared towards getting/showing off donors vs curating actual art -- yes, most every arts org has that issue, but not to the tune of 95% marketing/5% curation (seemingly)