Ted Lasso

I'm sure it was something like "everyone knows your the brains behind this operation you should be the one running your own team and getting all the credit" I'm sure Nate was already thinking that but hearing Rupert say it probably pushed him over the edge.
this. it doesn't have to be all that specific - Nate has giant self-loathing buttons all over the suit that Ted bought him
it's simple enough to mess with Nate to keep agitating - being a ****stirrer just to do it
Yep. Rebecca's mom told her the secret to disarm Rupert's condescending attacks so he switched gears tear down the club. Rebecca now wants to run a successful team and they've both gone 180 on the matter. BTW, I love the way Sassy deals with Rupert. She does not varnish her words (my favorite line from the most recent True Grit movie).