Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

I get your point, but making sure some guy on the internet (as cool and good-looking as you are) or general public curiosity aren't variables that makes the deck of interests that apply to whether police reports, autopsy records, and other evidence are released.

But if you really want to see what you can get, file a FOIA request. Apparently autopsy reports are public records in Wyoming. (It is Wyoming right?)

Cool and good looking? Seems like a vailed insult, not sure how I deserved that. I apologize for not going a long with the official story. Just as a reminder, you did say earlier, that Rob Lowry's death appeared to be an accident.

Thanks for the information, and yes, I do believe it was in Wyoming. Is it possible you can obtain the autopsy? This is by no means an agreement for a client/lawyer contract, where payment will be collected or owed. Pretty sure you will be more likely to obtain it, than me...Since I usually get profiled as a cool and good looking. lol.