TIL: Today I Learned...

I learned that dropping a jar of spaghetti sauce on a tile floor is the same as placing an M-80 inside it with regard to splatter and shards of glass. It took me 2 hours to clean the ******-******* mess up, and I found shards and splatter in hidden crevices and under things for 6 months :mad:
A gallon jar of green olives for me. This happened at work when I was putting a supply truck up. They went under every
shelf,can and soda rack in the store room. I was able to sweep some up,but most o f them I had to get on my hands and
knees and pick them up one by one. I then had to unload and move The can and soda racks to sweep up the glass.
I then had to load them back up. It took a few hours and was a nightmare I never want to live through again.