Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

Just an example of how ridiculous the NFT space is. Last night, someone with 8 cryptopunks sold 1 of them for 108 ETH and then bought up 87 cryptodads raising the floor price on crypto dads to about 1.45 ETH. THe money these people have is just nuts. Total FU money.

Here are the cryptopunks for sale:
Most are priced well over $700,000.

Meanwhile, this sapphire ring from antiquity is believed to have been worn by Caligula, features an intricately carved portrait of his wife Caesonia in the side and was once part of the "Marlborough Collection", a famous lot of gems and jewelry owned by the 7th Duke of Marlborough. Sold in a 2020 auction for $600,000.