Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

10 years ago there was a big craze in all of my younger coworkers (20-30 crowd). They were reading and tuning into self help youtubes about reducing physical possessions and the freedom which that imparted. They were giving away possessions which they simply didn't feel the need to hold. IDK if that is still a thing.

I do think someone influenced by only keeping items with significant sentimental value would hold very little desire to purchase an item that expensive and then have to figure out how to protect it.

It’s called minimalism and yes it’s still a thing, probably more so now than 10 yrs ago.. “Collect experiences instead of ‘things’”.. without realizing that i was part of any movement, i have been half-***edly incorporating elements of the minimalist movement into my life for probably the past 20 years or so.. like anyhting else, im sure it’s possible to go too far- but as for me, i come from a family full of hoarders and packrats, so ive always gone the exact opposite way, i guess you could call me a ‘purger’ lol

It also seems that education has moved away from humanities to STEM. That can change how a mind values the world. History has less value to a mind concerned with concrete logical constructs. Having been raised with video games and computers, an NFT might make more sense to them is all I can come up with.

There are certain elements of society who think it’s worthless to go to college unless you get a highly specialized degree that leads directly to a high paying job.. Me, i still think there’s value in learning for learning’s sake, going to college to learn how to be a well-rounded thinker, THEN possibly furthering your education if you want to do somehting specialized.. of course, with the way college is financially structured in this country, that makes this approach problematic, since many will exit school deeply in debt.. the solution IMO is for us to do what almost every other advanced country on the planet does, and - *politics alert, if you have delicate ears/eyes*- do like Bernie Sanders advocates and use our tax dollars to make college education 100% FREE…. but i digest…….