The Investment Thread

from their website:

While Fundrise should be viewed as a long-term investment, we understand that investors may want or need to prematurely liquidate (or "redeem") their shares. Accordingly, our investors may request to redeem shares at any time, although such redemption cannot be guaranteed — especially in times of economic uncertainty — and there may be costs associated with premature redemption.

pump that $1000 into SPG - 5% divi and you can get out anytime, regardless of "economic uncertainty" ( which they dont offer a clear definition of what they deem "economic uncertainty" lol)

Seems like a nice idea for crowdfunding investing but im too conservative lol.

I get that, but fwiw i just received an email from them a couple weeks ago stating they were changing their redemption policy.. this si as of Oct 1st

It’s not ideal for everyone, but apparently you are allowed to withdraw at the end of each quarter.. so it’s obviously for more long term holding

