I do think a flat tax would be amazing and could work quite well. Would just need to tie sales to a sales number or a tax card or QR code you scan on your phone before you check out at the register. Once total purchases pass certain thresholds, the tax rate increases and is automatically calculated at the register. This would be really simple and solve a ton of problems. Spend $5k a year? No taxes. Spend $100M/yr, pay 40%. Then again, I guess all big ticket items at that point would just move overseas. Hell, I don't know what the right and wrong answer is. I do know it's wrong that I pay more tax than many of the 100 biggest companies in the US and way more percentage than the Billionaires. I also think it's wrong that the new administration thinks being able to look at checking accounts is a really horrible idea to try and solve it.
As for the IRS. They are horrible. I'm getting double and triple taxed, I've been trying to get my 2019 1099's for over two years and can't get them. Filled out forms a half dozen times, each time I'm being asked to send them to different addresses with different amount money orders and each time they get sent back to me months later for one reason or another. I can't get anyone on the phone, in the odd circumstance when I do the information I get is not correct. Then I get letters in the mail that amount to fines plus penalties that I have to pay and hope I can get refunded at some magical point in the future on the very issue I've been trying to get addressed for two years.
It's infuriating.