Spent a decade of my life in Houston and never tried a kolache.. just never tempted me.
The key to Houston, like most huge cities, is to find your spot and exist as much as you can in your bubble .. we were in River Oaks (not the old money $5 million mansion part, but the part nearby with more moderately priced homes) and had super-nice new HEBs, Whole Foods and Krogers within a very short drive.. a couple of El Tiempos, some good bars and restaurants and.. a new Costco.. a couple of great dog parks and a good doggie day care and.. i mean, what else do you need? The thing about Houston though, is that there is absolutely NOTHING unique about it.. there’s nothing to do there that you couldn’t do in Cleveland or St. Louis, without sweating your arse off as much…. but it’s a very liveable city, as long as you can insualte yourself in your bubble, avoid having to commute and invest in a very, very good air conditioning system.