Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl


That's why I think being single is the right life style, your liabilities are significantly less, and you won't be blamed for ruining someone else's life.

Now if Brian would of stayed single, went to school, and found a good job, none of this stuff would of went down.
IDK about that. There are a ton of great things about being in a healthy committed relationship.

I think the problem is more that common culture movie etc all show relationships as effortless fairy tale endings rather than the compromise and hard work needed by emotionally stable people who've learned to love themselves first and aren't dependent on another to feel healthy and happy emotionally.

It's a recipe for disaster. Some make it, some accept misery because they believe it's the way, and many others get disillusioned and quit either by break up, divorce, or what we have here.

We have too little access to mental help same guidance in these matters.