Young couple goes on van tour of US, boy comes back with van - no girl

The big question is, did they "find themselves"? Seems like they found out that they were the same people who initially left in that van, and their own personality flaws got each of them killed in dramatic fashion. A young, naive woman who is dependent on a manipulating, dirtbag boyfriend who is capable of killing someone. It's heartbreaking, but I do think that there is lots that can be learned from this case...especially for young women. He is who you think he is...and people don't change. The little change that does happen occurs over decades, and to small degrees.
i think for some there is an intertwining of (compromised?) brain chemistries - their attraction to each other is like a dangerous narcotic. and beating that addiction requires great intervention

then i think there are situations with hidden faultlines - everything seems normalish on the surface but then the right pressure point is struck and all **** breaks loose