keyshawn johnson on First take - taking on Stephan A. and bets Saints gonna beat Bucks 2 times

Can’t say I was ever a Keyshawn fan especially when he played for Dallas.
This is a true story…. My bosses son broke one of his cervical vertebrae playing high school football and became a quadriplegic. Unannounced Keyshawn showed up at his house to check up on how his recovery was going. He noticed his son liked music so gave him his home stereo system, must have been a $25k system. We are talking top shelf. Before he left he also purchased a van with wheelchair access So he could more easily get around. What a stand up dude. He didn’t do this to pimp attention. No, he did it solely because he’s a classy compassionate guy. I had a total epiphany with how I viewed him going forward And wish him nothing but success in all his life’s endeavors.