Where is Deuce Windham?

This is the definition of talking out both sides of your mouth. Don't say you care about the team's overall success if you're willing to mortgage it for one player's feelings, no matter who that player is.

It's possible the believe Drew Brees did great things here and also overstayed his usefulness as a player. Giving up a year or two of cap space well after that player's usefulness has run out is shortsightedness. That kind of cap space keeps a guy like Trey Hendrickson here or lets us hold onto Emmanuel Sanders so we aren't stuck with #3/#4 receivers as our #1s.

Woah, are you putting words in my mouth? I never said that. Of course I care about overall team success but it's not all I care about.

I had the mindset going into the 2020 season that if he wants to come back, I'm cool with it for all of the joy he's given us over the years. If it's a fairytale story, awesome. If not, time for a new chapter. Who else was going to lead us to a Lombardi last year? Taysom? Jameis with no offseason?

Life post Brees was always going to be difficult for the Saints, both on the field and in terms of the salary cap. I'm just not so concerned with 1 year that I'm going to just toss away a guy who has re-defined a franchise.

I already said that I respected your opinion that he shouldn't have come back. It's the tone of disgust and disrespect in that guys tweet that I have an issue with, and obviously you agreeing with the tweet set me off. Sorry for firing off at you.