Payton is coach of the year

So, you don't think his play calling on 1st and 2nd down with less then 2:00 minutes was less than desirable or that Payton doesn't make some frustrating, arrogant decisions sometimes during games either now or in the past?

And I got my B.A. in Abnormal Psychology from the University of South Alabama. The chairman of the Dept., Larry Christiansen, was a highly-regarded, well-respected professor of psychology at Texas A&M for over 20 years. He authored or co-authored and did some of the clinical trial studies mentioned or discussed in most of USA's Psychology core curriculum textbooks dating back to the mid-70's. My speciality was in Abnormal Psychology, in relation to tics, behavioral disorders, abnormalities, or even dealing with patients with various alcohol or drug problems. I've read about and seen cases of drug-related disorders that are as mind-boggling to believe they exist as much as their frightening to see. Alcohol Tremens is one such substance-abuse related disorder.
I’ll take Sean Payton over Larry Christianson 1,000 out of 1,000 times, but you keep on hypothesizing.