Underrated Actors/Actresses

Kind of random, but my favorite show ever is The West Wing, and there’s an actor on there , Richard Shiff, who’s this character actor type who’s been in a bunch of stuff, though i dont think ive ever seen him in anything but TWW.. anyway, he plays Toby on the show, and every time i watched it, i would think ’Damn what a great actor this guy is’.. what it was, was his subtlety.. he’s one of those actors, and i think the great ones can do this- they dont need to say a word, they can act with their eyes, and just their eyes.. .. Sorkin would write these scenes where the camera just lingers on him, and he didnt need to say a word- his eyes said it all, and it was so powerful… They say that when you’re acting on camera, and it’s a close up- literally all you have to do is think a thought, and the camera picks up on it.. it always seemed like magic to me, how it can do that, it’s such a subtle, intimate medium.. . but Richard Shiff was a master at it.