Hill vs Siemian why is there a debate?

Oh, but that's going to need to be a two-way application, right? Will the people who complained about the O-line and the team's having middle school level WRs with Winston at the helm grant Taysom (or Trevor) those same caveats?
No. I damn sure am not. If I and the others feel that Winston was the right choice for obvious reasons then that means we were wrong. It means we were wrong about saying it was unfair to Winston having to play behind a patchwork Oline and throw to undrafted free agent WR's and still light it up.

If I and others who felt the same way are wrong, why would we not have the same expectations for Hill that were put on Winston? We've been playing hard-nose defense, not turning the ball over and having good play-calling and execution. The defense is going to continue to do it's thing--they may even get better. I'll be looking for a maintaining of or an improvement in the offensive production. If we're wrong, it was Winston that was holding the offense back.

I really like being right which means I hate being wrong. I've never wanted to be more wrong than I might be because I feel that we have the best defense we've had in the Payton era and if the offense can be maintained or improved, we have a legitimate shot at making it to the playoffs and maybe even more.

You can bookmark this post. I will be back to claim my wrongness. If I'm wrong then we possibly win it all. I'd shave my left testicle with a dull razor to win it all. Admitting I was wrong would be a cake walk. But if I'm right.....well, we'll just see.