Hill vs Siemian why is there a debate?

In camp it was Hill vs Winston. Hill looking like he would be the starter one week. Then Jameis looking like he would be the starter next. It was neck and neck. What seemed like SP didn’t even know who he would start until the final preseason game.

I’m curious why there is a debate on who we are now starting. If Hill is healthy and ready to go why Siemian? Did he do that much in the bucs game to name him a starter? imo no, the bucs bailed him out on many drives.

We beat the falcons with hill last season. Excited to do it again with any QB!

Pretty easy. Payton has made it clear that last week's offensive gameplan was an easy transition from Winston to Siemian, and that it would be a much different planning for Hill. Doubtful that Siemian could as easily take over from an injured Hill. If Hill hasn't been healthy in weeks, and hasn't played, why would we risk potentially losing the game and the player by rushing him into leading a whole gameplan? Hill does much more for this team in his utility role, because it adds a dangerous dimension for our opponents, and honestly, gives Hill more opportunity for explosive plays. If Siemian understands and can execute Payton's system, and it allows us to use Taysom to his best ability and Kamara and Ingram, I think we should go that route--at least for this week. (All that said, can you imagine running an option backfield with Hill, Kamara, and Ingram?)