Hill vs Siemian why is there a debate?

Let me be clear that I am not in search of any moral high ground. I think the people who were overly critical of Winston were wrong. I think most of it comes from feeling that Hill should be the starter. Now that Hill may be the starter, I will see if those same people are critical of Hill in the same manner that they were with Winston.

14 TD's, 3 interceptions and 1 fumble with a 4-2 record in 6 games. That's the baseline. Similar or better results indicate I was wrong. Anything below the baseline indicates I wasn't.

The difference is I will be critical of Hill based on his performance, not by his history.
And there are those who will see if the same people are defensive of Hill in the same manner that they were with Winston. This is why the hypocrisy has been called out. It's not just, "those critical of Jameis need to stay critical of Taysom in the same form." It's also, "those defensive of Jameis need to stay defensive of Taysom in the same form."