List of Saints and their practice status today. (Thursday)

Exaggeration and over-simplification. The narrative got twisted and sadly that's how you interpreted it. It was very valid to question multiple substitutions of Taysom runs for our base offense when we reached the redzone. It doesn't mean that it was hate towards Taysom. Because he scored both times, it turned to "people don't want to see Taysom succeed so bad, they "complain" even when he scores." So a discussion questioning play calling hits a wall because it's assumed to be Taysom hate. Pick a side, dig in and don't give ground.

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of us fans aren't loving one side and hating the other. There are a few and unfortunately they are the loudest. But these broad generalizations are insulting.

That is NOT my interpretation. There were specific posts stating that Hill was substituted in because Brees had a week arm and that with Winston's arm, Hill wasn't needed. And there were specific posts saying Hill was taking TDs away from Winston and Kamara. Not a lot, but some. No interpretation what-so-ever. But, I agree. That's not the majority. Some people see what they want to see.