Hill vs Siemian why is there a debate?

The Saints realize Taysom might not be QB1 material but why take a chance of losing him as a joker in 22 if they don't let him be the #2 that he was told he would be? I'm not saying it's smart for Taysom to leave to chase his dream but he would surely be tempted if he's the joker the rest of the year.

I don't care if we lose him because he' snot an NFL QB. If they protect him from being the joker in order to save him for QB2 role they're stupid. He's not even a back up NFL QB in my mind, but absolutely no doubt that he's more valuable to the team and our chances when he plays the joker role than playing QB.

That's the point. If you're a Saints fan you want the Saints to do well. And, we do well with him in that joker role which he is phenomenal in.