Just checked TS vs TH vs Brady vs Winston size!

So, while they are (not to the exact #s but super close ) similar in size; Height and Weight; Trevor just appears thinner than Taysom and then Brady is listed as one inch taller and 1 lb lighter!

Trevor listed @ 6'3" - 220lbs<> Taysom= 6'2 @ 225lbs<> Brady is 6'4" @ 223lbs and Jameis? He's listed @ 6'4" @231lbs. <>. Hope this clears up any ?s about what I'm struggling to put into The Universe. Just about size, which all complained about Drew and Russell, even Mahomes being shhort for a QB, et al.

This surprised me but probably you all already knew this by heart. I posted just for those who may be as curious as I about this.

Trevor did take a few real "shots" (most legal but others more ?able) and didn't seemed phased or even show it in any way other than "Next Play Up"! Good stuff and the TEAM seems to enjoy his "Cool" disposition as CSP explained in his interview.

Jameis is a bigger dude than the three aforementioned, listed @ 6'4" and 231! While Drew had many batted throws, even Jameis had a few as did Taysom (not certain if Trevor did or not) but you look at Mahomes. He picks "holes" to throw through with his unorthodox angels. Point? I'm digging Trevor's vibe; love that TH#7 will return to make Defensive shemers loose their minds not knowing WHAT CSP will effort or when! That , with a revitalized MI II?? THAT to me? ='s VICTORIES galore to come as we gain players , almost to full ( minus CGM who screwed up <> my opinion by waiting to have his surgery) but Defensively? It's The SAINTS GAME! Hope the entire WHODATS in the Dome go home hoarse from "Bringing The Noise for "The Juice Boys"! GEAUX SAINTS! I LOVE This TEAM!! Yeah! We READY! BRING IT~!
Not having a great time focusing on my typing as my meditation always leaves me a little "altered"! Better than any drugs I've ever done! WHODAT!