I Was Watching Trevor Siemian's Highlights with the Broncos

In fairness I think Payton has become more conservative to reduce turnovers. We saw Brees int #s go down his last few years, partly was lack of a deep shot but he was also being much safer with the ball

I think that philosophy carried on with Winston while he (winston) was also under pressure to reinvent himself. I think Winston was very conscious of how he was perceived as a turnover machine and was playing it a bit too safe. I felt like he was getting more comfortable though towards the end.

Taysom just isn’t the dude. I like watchin him play but he lacks the touch.
Yeah, I felt like Winston’s main goal was to play turnover free football. That’s great, but I also worried it was limiting our offense in the beginning. We did start to loosen up as the games went along. I guess that’s what surprised me with Siemian. He stepped in, and got the ball down the field without any hesitation when he had a chance. This is also great so long as he doesn’t get careless and it turns into picks. Again, I do think there’s a fine line in being confident with accuracy and knowing when you shouldn’t attempt the throw. If Siemain can play smart and be aggressive at the right times, I think we could still be in good shape. With these receivers, I feel like he might do well with his style of play. At this point all we can do is hope.