Will Ian Book be the next Saints QB to beat out Taysom to be the starter?

Hate is a very strong word! Perhaps, I am just telling the truth, and it just sounds like hate to............you. Because, maybe that is how you view the world. I have never "taken shots at Taysom" all my criticisms are fact based and never personal. Tell me Derek, is criticizing the 2nd string QB on the Saints, the fox hole you want to call people names on. At least people want to read what I have to post.

Not yet. After Atl. Trevor never leaves the field unless he is injured. We just got Ak into the passing game, we are not going to stop that, to retool to play Taysom ball.

In July 2021 I predicted the succession of QBs for this season: as being Jamies QB1, Trevor QB2, and Taysom would play the joker role...... IN JULY!!!! When most people didn't even know who Trevor was. What is your tract record? Where is your creative insight. Please, sports blogger school me on whats going to happen in QB succession.
But the only reason it went this way is due to Taysom being injured. If Taysom was healthy, Trevor would not have seen the field except the scenario where JW gets hurt during a game. Sean Payton said this. So your prediction was pretty moronic. SP flat out said something along these lines" "Jameis is the starter, and Taysom is the backup. The only way Trevor sees the field is if JW goes down mid-game. The following week Taysom will get the start" Of course if am paraphrasing. I guess you know better than our head coach though.