Will Ian Book be the next Saints QB to beat out Taysom to be the starter?

It simply is not Taysom's destiny to lead this team as a true # 1 QB for any meaningful period of time. A pocket passer with excellent timing and accuracy will always be what SP's system requires and it is why the Taysom era as a full time QB came to such a fast close. If the QB can run then it is a bonus (R Wilson), but you cannot avoid having to be a pocket passer who undertsands the timing and anticipation in this complicated offense. That is the biggest thing in regards to success for our offense. Taysom will continue to be an exciting and expensive Swiss Army Knife used in his traditional role. I get the Hillites want to carry the flag and it is entertaining, but the writing has been on the wall for sometime now. We would see more Ian Book at the QB position than we would Taysom if Siemian had to miss any time, it is what it is right now for 2021 until our QB situation becomes more clear next year