Will Ian Book be the next Saints QB to beat out Taysom to be the starter?

This game might tell us some things about our coach that we've never got to see. With Drew, no matter how bad of a game he was having, he was NEVER getting benched.
So is CSP a stubborn coach? Is he hesitant to pull a struggling QB? That's something we may find out over the next couple of weeks.
I don’t see Trevor struggling, under Payton. Do I see him having bad moments? Not so good games? Yes to both. But that being said, Brees, Bridgewater, Hill and Winston, all had their bad moments, as well as not so good games and were not replaced. Payton, IMO, once he has made his decision on who will play QB, Payton will ride, or die, with his decision until the end of the season. Personally, I do not think it ever benefits the team, when you constantly are worrying about who the QB will be, if something bad happens in a game, or games. You just need to ride and grind it out until the end of the season. JMO.