When will we find out about OBJ
Seattle makes absolutely no sense to me.
OBJ is an undisciplined route runner that frustrates coaches and QBs. He's an attention hog and would cut into the attention that Russ and Pete control right now.
Seattle's desperate to regain that Beast Mode running game mentality and adding OBJ would do NOTHING to achieve that.
I just don't see it. It would be a waste of cap space that could be carried over to next year that is needed to fund some voided year contracts. By my count, Seattle has $9.375M in voided contracts to absorb next year.
If you weren't aware, the Saints have $29.5M coming due in 2022 ($11.5M from Drew), another $10.1 M in 2023, and another $11.2M in 2024. The salary cap can't go up fast enough starting next year.