Karen Memes

Politics aside, she isn't a Karen she is correct. Customer asked for a quote not the personal opinion of the business owner. All that sign company had to do is respond that he was unable to complete her order. She became a "Karen" simply because they responded in the manner that they did. The lion and sheep part was her mistake. If she omitted that her response would seem reasonable.

This story is similar to the Bakery that refused the Gay Couple's wedding cake but the Baker was considered the "Karen".

Nope. It's only political for the side making it political. If she asked for a sign stating that "Jews are evil, Hitler was right", and the shop owner responded, "I cannot make a sign supporting antisemitism in good conscience", it would be seen as simply notifying the potential customer why they won't be doing business. Ignoring the request is impolite, bad business, being upfront yet courteous about the reasons you can not enter into business with someone is the proper step to take. Vaccines, like not endorsing discrimination, isn't a political take...or shouldn't be one.