SSE etiquette

There is none. Be as rude and insulting as possible when ever there's a chance. Misspell a word and you get a page and half of ridicule. I once typed "Sean Peyton" by mistake which resulted in multiple pages of insults and ridicule. For a simple mistake. The kind of behavior that would cause a fist fight if you treated a physically fit man on the street like that.

What's up with that? One poor guy made his first post ever and it was weak, but not to the point that it deserved the abuse that followed. And that's just one example I've seen over the last few weeks and it's getting worse.

Lighten up people. Rude is rude no matter where you are.

This is probably one of the best moderated and civilized sports forums out there.

Venture out to other team boards and you'll be racing come to back here.

Try not to take this stuff too personal. We have a lot of posters with a sense of humor (it's a southern thing ;)), and are just having a little laugh.

It helps especially during the stressful parts of the season