Inflation here? gas/grocery prices just continue to climb

As a Longshoreman member, I hear about what's going on in terms of supply shortages from over seas.

The ports in L.A. and Long Beach don't have a bunch of space. They're heavily populated, developed, areas. Unloading ships isn't as simple as hooking containers up to a crane and removing them. There's nowhere to put them. It also isn't as simple as just dropping a container onto a random truck and sending the driver on his way. Even if it were there's the traffic issue. This isn't a quick fix. It began at the beginning of the pandemic when traffic from overseas was halted. Especially traffic from China. Those ships sat offshore, waiting. Then more came. They waited too. Still waiting. Just for different reasons now. Eventually the mess got too big for our facilities to handle. They can't be expanded because there's no space. It's going to take time. There's talk about bringing in the national guard. For? Are they going to threaten the Longshoreman to work faster? Are they going to magically make space? Are they going to do a better job than the logistics companies at coordinating the trucks with the cargo? Are they going to force the retired truckers to un-retire to drive? Are they going to resurrect the dead ones?

Prices will stay high until supplies are, once again, abundant. This is part of the whole capitalism thing that a segment of our population loves to beat their collective chests about but has no understanding of how it works.

Lots of stuff = low prices

Not much stuff = high prices

It's working as designed.

It doesn't seem to stop a lot of blow hard politicians from running their mouths and pointing fingers.

I read that the governor of Texas thinks that Houston is the solution. Because, you know, Houston is right next door to Los Angeles and Long Beach. The last that I heard is that their warehouses are packed full of steel nfrom South America that isn't selling because somebody levied tariffs of $250 per ton as well as quotas that limit how much can be sold per month/quarter.

We need to bring manufacturing back to the U.S., even if it's mostly automated.

Even better. Stop buying so much stuff.