Watching Football on TV (LED/OLED)

We finally got annoyed enough with our Samsung Q90T that my wife and I bought an LG 65” C1 OLED Saturday evening. It’s far and away the best out-of-the-box picture quality I’ve experienced. Every Samsung we’ve owned has had some screen issue we’ve had to live with, or in the case of the one we had before the Q90, a KS series model (4K, flat panel) the picture was nice enough but it died an early death. Some of that, I think, was attributed to price point or tech at the time, but the Q90 has been a letdown for us, and at a similar price we paid last year, IIRC, to this LG. Satisfied with going up from a 55” also. Wasn’t sure with the layout of our space.

I’ve made some minor adjustments to the LG, and when I have time, I’ll get more into calibration, but it’s really nice as-is.