SUV runs through crowd at Christmas parade in Waukesha WI...

I’m going to drop it for now (at least after this), because my point isn’t being heard and I can’t really explain it without getting political.

If you can find my previous posts here you’ll see I’m 100% in support of BLM. I’ve been to multiple protests.

My problem here is that the media’s slowness to judgement is going to make it’s really hard to argue to my family (who aren’t pro BLM to say the least), that the mainstream media isn’t biased against white people.

Maybe everything I’ve seen is fake news, but there is way more than that Andy NGO tweet that paints this guys in a way that would have been more than enough for the media to be talking about domestic terrorism if the races were reversed.
Are you referring to the guy's social media posts? Because from what I've read it still isn't giving your point any more validity.