Another police shooting - this time in Wisconsin...

I just can't take anyone seriously who believes the brilliant 4-chan troll of branding the "ok" hand sign as a symbol of white supremacy. They did it as a troll and the dummy media ran with it. 4-chan has done this for years to illustrate just how dumb the media is. They take something simple and write a bunch of BS about how that is racist and laugh at the media outlets that run with it. This wasn't the first time 4-chan did that, they did it to pepe the frog as well, wrote an entire bs thing about that meme years and years ago. I'm not an avid reader of the Chan boards but even I know at the heart of them, its a bunch of internet trolls that get off by doing stupid things like that.

Asheligh Banfield of news nation interviewed Rittenhouse for an hour last night. She grilled him pretty hard about this proud boy incident. Rittenhouse claims he didn't know they were proud boys and the whole thing was setup under the guise of hiring security for him under previous lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce. He fired the two lawyers after finding out they were spreading conspiracy theories about the election and Qanon stuff. He claims had he known those were proud boys he would have never agreed to be there and doesn't support them.

It may have started that way as a joke but isn’t it possible it became legit at some point?

Wasn’t the swastika an ancient Chinese symbol meaning peace or something like that?

At some point the meaning of gay changed from simply happy to homosexual