Saints Wednesday Injury Report: 2021 Week 12 vs. Buffalo Bills

It's not a issue of toughness. It's an issue of having a healthier perspective.

Lott cutting off a piece of his finger was not about how tough he was, it was about how obsessed he was. Obsession leads to irrational behavior.

Today's NFL players are just as tough, they just know that they shouldn't completely sacrifice their future health just for money and to entertain people. I'm glad they don't.

Anyone who thinks the current state of the game is marshmallow soft, was fed rocks all their life and was told they were marshmallows.

I doubt there is anyone on this site that could walk away from just 3 NFL tackles or blocks.

Less brutal does not equal non-brutal.
Players of old, HAD to play for the dream of financial freedom or a big payday. They played for pennies compared to what these guys make. And how do you know Lott was obsessed? I’m sure he said (in an interview that he wanted to play and that meant cutting his finger off vs not playing). He knew that he was a huge piece to their Championship chances. You may call that obsessed, but I call that dedicated and tough. Today’s game is less physical by a wide margin. Equipment is better, nutrition is better, workout equipment/regimes are more advanced, but injuries are higher. The name of the game was to take the opposing QB out of the game and now you can only tackle them between the shoulders and waistline, along with no follow through and driving them to the ground with your weight. And you think that is tough? The game implemented these kinds of rules bc players used to get mauled. These guys are coddled. Crying about reducing practices and such. The game is severely watered down and injuries are at an all time high every year. I respect these players, but they are not tough like the players of old. They don’t have to be bc the owners want to protect their investments.