
Isn’t it rich, isn’t it queer
Losing my timing this late in my career
And where are the clowns
Quick send in the clowns
Don’t bother, they’re here
I swear to God, One of These Days I am going to Tear, Break You into Little Pieces....sit down, construct myself a tasty, wonderful pair of Swiss Gingerbread to Switzerland, get myself thrown into same insane asylum or private asylum near Lake Leman in Lausanne like Elliot did, sneak out one night, drop my pants and bark at the cold, Alpine moonlight.

(T.S. Elliot spent some time convalascensing, with the aide of a private Swiss psychiatrist, during a time when he suffered from serious WWI-influenced PTSD, or "battle fatigue" in 1922 in Lake Leman, near Lausanne in modern-day western Switzerland. Lausanne has long gained a reputation for being a bit of an artist's colony of a refuge for centuries of European historians (Edward Gibbon), Romantic-era poets(Shelley and Lord Byron), and European revolutionaries, even 16th century Protestant reformists like Calvin. Italian leftist(and the 19th century's version of Che Guevera, Giuseppe Garibaldi and later Italian Fascist leader(than radical socialist, Benito Mussolini) used Lausanne as a hideout, base of operations, rallying point for new followers for their independence/nationalist movements from the early 19th---mid 20th century.