Inflation here? gas/grocery prices just continue to climb

Two things I heard earlier made me think of this thread
Wages have increased recently to make jobs competitive
Shipping companies have contracted for a desirable/set amount of port business
- those factors will remain baked into the economy even as things open up more, so we’re not likely to see as many price drops as we would normally

Wages haven't increased enough. Dollar Tree for an example, they made nearly 1.230 billion in profits this year thus far. Their CEO cleared 10.7 mil in pay and they pay around 8-8.50 an hr. 7400 Dollar Tree employee's are forced into some kinda assistance program, I.E Foodstamps or Medicaid. I was even looking around at indeed for more technical jobs, many in the IT field, it wasn't a whole lot better considering how astronomical cost of living is now. Most of the listings were "Entry level" required a degree and required 2-8 years of experience. I don't know how something can be entry level and require up to 8 years of experience. I can take a guess though, they use "Entry Level" as means to not pay people fairly because they can just say, "Well, its entry level" when they're expecting applicants to be well past entry level compensation. Many of those places also paid well below a living wage(Under 15$ an hour) when people actually pressed them about compensation.

You can't do jack squat on 15$ an hour in many many places in the USA, even 15$ an hour isn't gonna cut it. My father for an example was making 30-40$ per hour in the 90's as a NOPD when factoring in paid details and overtime. Wages have done a horrible job keeping up.