Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

The parts bolded above are where I think we need to be publishing more data, assuming it's available. Understood there will obviously be variables.

Would like to see something like this:
-Vaccinated people are XX% less likely than unvaccinated to pass on the virus after exposure
-Vaccinated people are contagious for XX% less time on average than unvaccinated after exposure
-Vaccinated people carry XX% less viral load on average than unvaccinated people after exposure

Like, why is this so hard?

I hope I'm not coming across as an anti-vaxxer though it may appear that way (any digging into my past posts will show that I'm absolutely not.) I just respond better to hard data than broad platitudes and emotional pleas, and I know I'm not alone in that sentiment. I have enough trust in our medical experts and our civil institutions in general that I will follow CTC guidance etc. But many do not, and they're the ones that need to be smacked with hard facts and data, not cute slogans. I'd like to be the one doing some of the smacking, so if anything I'm using you all to help me dig up the ammo:hihi:
I guess for me, those numbers are unnecessary given all the variables. Exact percentages will never be possible due to factors such as viral load exposure and individual immune response. What's critical to me is the percentages around vaccinated vs unvaccinated and hospitalization or death. I think that's pretty plain to see as last I looked >90% of bad outcomes were in the unvaccinated group.

I don't see you as anti-vax, but maybe a little bogged down in the details. Those numbers may not exist at this point due to the lack of available data resulting from varied reporting to a still evolving virus which isn't totally understood.

I do trust that the vaccine reduces bad outcomes significantly enough to be worthwhile despite the unavailable intricate details.