Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Dang man that sucks. So sorry for your loss. Can't imagine going through that.

this is just like my brohter. He is a big evangelical christian and he and his wife got covid earlier this year and I was worried both would get really sick. Luckily they got through it. Although they denied they had covid the whole time. We know they did though cause his employer made him stay home for 2 weeks.
Neither wear masks nor have gotten any vaccines of any kind. Sad part is they have 3 kids and none are vaxxed for anything and they are "home schooled" which means my SIL does work with them like 2 times a week and that's it. It's sad as their 8 year old can't read. He is soooo far behind compared to my son who is in 3rd grade Gifted it makes me sad.
Like what are we doing?? When did we lose any common sense??
My brother's religious beliefs changed over the years, we were raised strict Catholic. I certainly don't blame him for pursuing other avenues but I believe his latest kick made death very attractive to him.
I feel for you with your brother's family, holding your children back from growing, learning and succeeding is a sad thing.
Common sense is becoming extinct I fear.