Does anyone have a parent who is a hoarder?

My mom while not hoarder level certainly keeps a mountain of stuff. Magazines, nothing special type, from 7-8 years old. The 50 years plus of National Geographic. Check carbons and canceled checks from 1989. It’s insane to me. I guess that’s why I have so little around. It’s a rebellion against my mom.

Same here .. i mentioned in my earlier post that im a purger, since i will get rid of even things i might need later.. but i do have a few things from earlier in life that id like to hold onto in case i ever live to be 90 yrs old and want to have them- things like yearbooks, pictures, old love letters, etc.. but i think the key is to just not let it overtake you; i have all this stuff in about a half-dozen neatly-kept boxes that i keep in storage.. i have it separated from things i might need in day-to-day life, important papers etc, and it’s just labeled ‘memorabilia’ or mementos.. I realize a lot of it could now be photographed and uploaded , and maybe on day I’ll tackle that project.

I told her when she passes away I’m just going to light the house on fire because I’m not cleaning it out. But then she talks about how the encyclopedia set downstairs from 1956, yes, 1956 is worth a good amount of money. Ok mom. Sure.

Again, same.. the family member i mentioned in my earlier post isnt that much older than i am, and may in fact outlive me.. but in the event that they pass away , if it were legal, i would definitely torch the place, im 100% serious.. but since that isnt legal, ive researched companies where they will buy homes, even sight-unseen at times, even if they are in terrible condition and filled with junk.. then theyll have workers in hazmat suits go and clean them out.. i personally cant even imagine setting foot in the house myself for fear of what I’ll find, not the least of which are cockroaches and garbage everywhere.. it’s a very, very sad situation so i just try my best not to think about it, since our family has offered help many times and mostly been rejected.