Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

I mean, if VAERS is trustworthy, it may be true but we don't know if that is legit and the last thing that anyone is wanting to report or calculate would be possible deaths from the shot. But I digress..

What is the plan regarding vaccinating all of our children? I know most of yall are used to going back and forth but I'm trying to understand. We are trying to vaccinate the least affected group as it relates to death and serious symptoms. Why?

Two reasons:

a) While children are the group least affected themselves by COVID, they are still links in the chain of community-wide transmission. An infected -- but asymptomatic and apparently healthy -- child may carry and spread virus for, say, 5-6 days if unvaccinated but 1-2 days if vaccinated. Society should hack away at COVID any way it can, taking advantage of all these little edges where they can be found.

b) Personal belief not yet borne out except by circumstantial evidence from older coronaviruses: Vaccinating children won't give them life-long COVID antibodies -- they'll dissipate over time, probably in less than a year or two. However, due to vaccination, the child's memory B and T cells -- other components of their immune systems -- may be able to make useful COVID antibodies in response to future infection for the rest of their lives. Such antibodies might not be 100% matches for future variants, but an incomplete match is much better than no antibodies at all.